I am thrilled to announce a new partnership with The BIG Corp and the Team at RTI Control to assist in a Business Development role with Key Accounts.

Over the past few decades of my career, I have had the opportunity to work at RTI or 12 years, and alongside the company as a respected competitor for many years following. I am ecstatic to be back now, and see firsthand how the products, company, and programming environment have evolved over the past few years. Most notably the following:

Integration Designer 11: The Award-winning Integration Designer Programming Software has had some massive improvements to increase efficiency and deliver rapid deployment of complex systems, while maintaining the ability to fully customize the interface.

Dealer Experience: RTI has stepped up its game to deliver award winning Customer Service and exceptional support to their valued dealers.

Product Portfolio: The broad assortment of customizable user interfaces continues to expand and improve with the wide variety of tabletops, wall mounted and handheld controls. Additionally, the world class audio and video distribution products, expansion modules and solution-based products can tackle projects from simple to sophisticated with ease.

3rd Party Integration: As a control system manufacturer, RTI is dedicated to delivering outstanding integration with 3rd party manufacturers products. Their testament to this is Driver Friday! New drivers are released every week AND with their open API, integrators and independent programmers create hundreds of new drivers regularly, which are featured on the RTI driver store. Many of which get certified by the RTI driver team.

Commercial solutions: RTI (residential and commercial) dealers deploy systems daily around the world in commercial applications. The customizable user interface features in ID11 allow dealers to deliver a unique and branded interface for commercial applications with ease. Additionally, the unique and powerful products like the KX4 with an integrated control processor, offer a robust and value packed control solution for the installed environment.

If you want to learn more about how RTI can elevate the home automation experience for you, your team and clients, please send me a message or contact me at pete@thebigcorp.com or 952-270-3999 or visit www.rticontrol.com